Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Scutaro is Back on Line Up!

I'm very excited to see him back in SF Line Up.
I wish his finger heals well.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

MPG Game (2)

It has been 5 months since I started driving the hybrid car.
I still can't ignore the mpg digital display on the dashboard.

Well thanks to the hybrid economic fuel efficiency (and thanks to myself for not driving a lot), I need to visit the gas station only once per month.

I keep track of my MPG at each refueling and here is the my record so far.
Look at the improvement in MPG column over the past 5 months!
I'm getting better at getting a higher MPG value since January.
Well the part of the reason could be the season. Expected MPG is lower in winter season.
But I think I'm driving more gently these days, avoiding sudden acceleration and frequent braking to improve MPG. I will visit the gas station soon, but I'm sure that I will get over 40.00 this time.
Currently the annoying digital display says 45.7 mpg!
I hope I can maintain this high standard.

1/27/13               ?               ?
     6/xx/13              ?               ?

Monday, June 17, 2013

To the Next Generation....

I tend to think of my life as mine.
Often I'm searching for the purpose of my life, and I couldn't think of the world after my death at all.
Sort of a self-contained life, I'm only visioning my life span.
Nothing in the past matters, and nothing in the future after my death matters....

Reading an aritcle "Crazy Far" in 125th Anniversary special edition of National Geographic magazine, I was quite amazed at the future visions that NASA technologists were seeing.
How human can go to Mars, moons of Saturn, out of Solar 20 years, 100 years, or 500 years??????  They will never know that they can accomplish something in their life. But probably it doesn't matter to them. Look at the time scale of their future vision! Probably they are happy to be the part of the huge project that human is working on.
Look at me! I couldn't think that way. I want to complete something in my life. I don't want to be a mere particle in a huge stream of the history.
After reading "Crazy Far", I felt that I grasp some idea on life's purpose.