Saturday, September 1, 2012

Tripodal Synergy....No...There is also Math.

While studying geography, I realized that curiosity to economics and weather are good asset to deepen my understanding about other countries.

Well to be honest with you, I don't know much about economics and weather.
I just recently got interest in them and began trying to gain knowledge on them.
Despite, the effect of possessing curiosity seems obvious.
Motivation to learn geography, economics, and weather helps to heighten each other.
I'm thrilled when I learn something that join two different field of study.
It is a positive synergy effect.  What an effective way to learn!
It's sad to see "math" is outside of this geographic learning far....
Oh but...Wait! Today I was willing to spend time reading about "Mozambique Current" and another current on the west coast. Why? It's probably because water turbulance was a picked up quite frequently in "Chaos" which I was exposed to during this summer.
Indeed, math has some role in this learning process.
Did I forcibly involve math to make a conclusion with my taste?

Today's adventure:

Open a magazine.
Found an advertisement about traveling to South Africa.
Check South Africa on Wikipedia and Google Image Search and get overview about the country.
Learn about ocean currents around South Africa. (this helps to understand the terrian and climate!)
Check nearby countries such as Namibia and Zimbabwe quickly.

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