Monday, September 17, 2012

Wallpaper for Learning.

My brother taught me something clever.
It is about the wallpaper for the desktop.
I have never cared about it and I use the default all the time.
But he told me that we should change it because we look at it very frequently.
What's so clever about it?
Well he suggested me to put some crib sheet for whatever I want to memorize.
That's a sounding and convincing idea. I've never thought like that.
As you might expect, I use my computer least as much as I update this blog.
I probably have glimpsed the wallpaper hundreds times a day.
Yeah, I should exploit the accumulation of such instant moments for learning.

Thank you for your advice!


  1. That is a very clever idea... Subliminal message sings in deep.

  2. I finished memorizing the map of Japan.
