Thursday, August 23, 2012


It was a year ago that I myself...that I will brush my teeth and use flosses more frequently to prevent getting cavities.
Although I didn't flosses everyday, I did much more frequently than used be.
Acutally I had a secret confidence not having any cavity this time.
But what I heard from my regular dentist was a very brielf disappointing one.
"You have two cavities."

Darn it!
I was so shocked that I didn't want to talk back to him!

Ok. I swear that I floss everyday!
That means I have to make it my habit. Yes, brushing is my habit but flossing is not my real habit yet.

According to a recent book I read, it takes 3 weeks of practice to make something to be your new habit. Three weeks is loooong. But it is a good to have such indicator. With such a concrete number, I feel I can do it this time.

1 comment:

  1. 3 seems to be a very special, auspicious number. There are so many sayings that employ this number. There are always 3 brothers and sisters, or witched in good stories. Why is that??? What is so special about this number???
