Saturday, August 25, 2012

Learn the Taste of Triumph

There are instantly executable things that I'm unmotivated to do.
For example, writing a check for the monthly credit card bill could be done quickly.
Dish washing is another example. Flossing teeth is..still...such a thing.
My rational thinking brain is telling me "just do them right now!"
He knows that once I finished with these troublesome I feel good.
My brain doesn't have to think about it anymore.
However my lazy brain also often tempted me like "hey, we can do it anytime. So do it later."
From experience I really understand that deferation is not a wise decision.
So I have to fight against the temptation from lazy portion of myself.
To become invincible, I have to be addicted and starved for the savor of the triumph.

1 comment:

  1. The whole universe is lazy. We are part of the universe. So aren't we destined to be lazy? But in order to enjoy the privilege of being lazy, I guess we need to learn to be efficient. Less work to get the most out of life??? The key is to act fast to be lazy... maybe.
